Physical fitness:- Karate provides a focused, goal-oriented approach to better health for girls. Karate practise is a high-impact exercise that builds girls' strength, speed, stamina, flexibility, and endurance, keeping them physically fit and in great shape without the stress and discomfort of dieting; it also aids in cardiovascular exercise, which is beneficial to our hearts. A fact that helps establish a positive personal image and further promotes confidence in life in general. Karate training increases bone density, makes them stronger, and thus helps in avoiding problems like osteoporosis in the later stages of life
Karate training also helps girls to maintain motivation and build the discipline to make healthier choices in support of their weight loss goals and become more active in their daily lives.
Self-Defense:- - Self-defense is the act of defending ourselves against attack through the use of physical force. Girls should know how to defend themselves when the need arises. Girls are viewed as the weaker section and therefore are the target of crimes. Girls need to know how to protect themselves against harassment, snatching, domestic violence, kidnapping, etc. Karate can replace timidity with technique. The thought of their daughters not being safe reminds parents of their daughters; they keep worrying about them, and some of the parents restrict them from moving out for work. Making them learn karate enables girls to be safe anywhere they are without being dependent on others for help when they are in trouble.
Self-defense training increases confidence and self-control, improves self-esteem, and instills a positive mental attitude while developing muscle, strength, instincts against crime, and physical endurance.
Self Confidence:- Knowing how to protect ourselves against predators has an amazing way of quickly boosting self-confidence. Girls feel stronger, empowered, and ready to take back control. It has been proven that attackers target certain types of people who appear timid, scared, or weak because they are easy to overcome. On the other hand, a confident person who walks tall is less likely to become a victim.
Stress and Anger:- Studies show that girls are more likely to develop depression from stress than men. Stress generates anger, and anger generates stress like a cyclic process. Stress is one of the biggest killers today. It is the main reason behind most illnesses and diseases. Stress may be caused by many factors, including biological, psychological, and social factors.
Many studies have shown that karate training and focused deep breathing exercises boost the brain’s chemicals, which are associated with feelings of well-being and help ease stress and anger. It assists people in overcoming fears and worries and develops concentration. It enhances self-management and adds confidence. Also, any intense physical activity increases the production of endorphins, natural stress-relieving hormones, and helps induce good quality sleep, thereby boosting the body’s innate defenses against stress.
Girls have a busy lifestyle. Many of them try to juggle careers, exercise, and family life. The list goes on. Karate is a great way to relieve stress and anger. Karate allows anger and stress to be displayed in an acceptable way. The physical activity coupled with a feeling of accomplishment makes karate a natural stress reliever. Karate can also teach girls how to control their emotions. Since girls are emotional by nature, this one benefit alone is reason enough to learn karate.
Karate training at peak performance levels is the best way to prevent disease and stimulate positive changes in the body's natural healing systems.
Intuition and Instincts:- Everyone is born with an inbuilt warning system, which is instinct. It is something that we do naturally without thinking. An instinct is a reaction. The quality of the execution of the brain's decision within the shortest time to counteraction is primarily determined by agility, quickness, and speeds (AQS). "Intuition" is based on the experience of reaction.
A self-defense course trains the mind and the body. Strength training helps girls fight and win against an attacker, whereas mental training helps girls develop intuition, in which they learn to sense danger and trust their gut feeling. Intuition is one of the most vital elements to survival, along with having a survival mindset.
Self Esteem:- Self-esteem is the feeling of self-worth in a person. In a male-dominated society, girls have always been treated as second-class citizens. Girls have been fighting for equal pay, equal representation in social organisations, and shared household respect in man-made society.
Several factors cause loss of self-esteem in girls, such as molestation, destructive self-criticism, unhealthy relationships, negative comments from relatives or society, insufficient emotional comfort, and unattainable expectations.
When a girl learns karate, she also learns self-defense and develops her self-confidence and self-esteem, which allow her to go out in life with less fear and with a warmer and more open attitude.
Role Model for Society:- Adults are role models for children and youth. If parents want their children to be active and healthy throughout their lives, they must first set a good example. Staying active, doing exercise regularly, and practicing karate will encourage children and other youth around them about their importance.